Saturday 16 April 2016


As we approach the nemesis known as exams, we also approach the end of the course and modules. The rush begins for the final submissions, as the coach would say "its crunch time"

Progress for the past week includes reflecting and refining skills on peer assessments; possibly a more challenging task than simple project initiation itself, and in just a moment I shall elaborate as to why exactly.  When presented with a particular task, be it individual or group, for me it's simply best to attack the project head on. Research, due diligence, consultation with lectures, liaising with peers etc.  However critiquing a fellow colleague's work, and being cognisant that the outcome has implications on both parties' marks posed a somewhat challenge. It is something that I do indeed have experience in, however, I am not accustomed to just yet. I am usually the individual concerned with performing the work at hand and having seniors assess it to their liking and level of acceptance. One can fully appreciate the skill development as many of us in IFS will undoubtedly become Project Managers. However this is an area in which my experience is finite in comparison to the rest of my skills.

Learning from the week include the Models below:
TTF - Technology Task Fit

Technology task fit is the degree to which technology assists an individual in performing his/her portfolio of tasks.

More specifically the correspondence between task requirements individual abilities and functionality of the technology.

When technology provides features and support that fit the requirements of a task - information systems have a positive impact on performance when there is a correspondence between core functionality and task requirements

TTF - using  Broadband Adaptation  
TAM - Technology Acceptance Model

The technology acceptance model (TAM) is an information systems theory that models how users come to accept and use a technology.
The model suggests that when users are presented with a new technology, a number of factors influence their decision about how and when they will use it.
  Perceived usefulness
  Perceived ease of use

TAM - using  Broadband Adaptation  

TTD -Theory of Technology dominance

TTD has two dependent factors:

  Reliance - The extent to which an individual applies the intelligent decision aid and integrates the recommendations of that aid into his or her judgment.

  Dominance - The state of decision making where the intelligent decision aid, as opposed to its user, takes primary control of a decision making process.

TTD has four independent factors:

  Task Experience - The level of experience a decision maker has regarding the completion of a task as well as the extent to which the decision maker has developed strategies for completing that particular task.

  Task Complexity - The extent to which the cognitive abilities of the decision maker are challenged with completing a certain task. (In psychology this is often termed Task Difficulty.)

  Decision Aid Familiarity - The extent to which the decision maker is comfortable with the intelligent decision aid based on prior experience and/or significant training with the aid (or similar aids).

  Cognitive Fit – The extent to which the cognitive processes used with the decision aid to complete a task match the cognitive processes normally applied by the decision maker using the aid.

My Skill Inventory to date include:

  §  Mentoring
  §  Coaching
  §  Reporting
  §  Business & Process Analysis
  §  Improving methodologies
  §  Training & Coaching methodology,
  §  Risk assessment
  §  Time management.
  §  Business and Data analysis
  §  Conflict management
  §  Interviewing
  §  Directing

Occupational goals remain unchanged and entail becoming a BA -Business Analyst
The plan to achieve this goal is to pass Honours (fairly well) then apply to UCT BASA program.
Obtain my Advanced Diploma in Business and System analysis, then either get placed in a company as part of the program or simply seek a company to work for that suits my persona. My intention is further my studies part time as I do wish to obtain a Masters in Information Systems

Goals for the years to come would include moving into a BA role, then later to Senior BA and from there Solutions System Architecture or DevOps. While I have certain milestones I wish to reach, I am open to simply enjoy the journey and do not wish to over-plan and would not mind ending up wherever the road takes me.


The moment were we part ways I am afraid, This chapter concludes the final in our trilogy
For what it’s worth , it’s never too late or in some cases, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it.
I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and If you find that you’re not. I hope you have the courage to start all over again.

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