Friday 11 March 2016



Man 1 -So what do you do?
Man 2 - I'm in IS
Man 1 - aaaah yes that's good, my son also does IT courses and things, so you fix computers and stuff right?
Man 2 - Not quite, in fact I have never fixed a PC, laptop, kindle, mobile device in my life.
Man 1 - So what is that you do?
Man 2 - Let me explain what IS is about......

IS/IFS/ Information Systems facilitates the incorporation of both hardware and software, technical and managerial skills for the purpose of gathering, computing, processing and essentially distribution of information deployed in a user friendly and beneficial form. The confluence of a sequence of clear defined tasks/objectives ensures delivery of a particular project is met.

This framework and methodology can be applied not only to business and academia but also every day life to ensure everything goes according to plan.

In this Blog we shall uncover more detailed aspects of the fascinating concept known as Information Systems seen through the eyes of the most promising IFS Student in the history of the (UWC) University of the Western Cape. Also I shall reveal the numerous aspects that pertain to the world of IS.

  • IS can comprise of various aspects in terms of course content at an academic level. Be it Managing Systems Delivery, End User Practical, Delivering IS benefits and so on. The incredible and fascinating concept of IS is that it cannot be reduced to single practice or function. If someone is an accountant we know automatically they do accounting, however when we mention someone is in the world of IS, the possibilities are so much more than a few limiting options; for example:

    • Database administrator.
    • Information systems manager.
    • IT consultant.
    • IT technical support officer.
    • Multimedia programmer.
    • Network engineer.
    • Systems analyst.
    • Systems developer.
To name but a few of the most synonymous with IS. My personal favourite being the BA -Business Analysis. The title is more than just a prestigious occupation to impress all your old buddies you went to high school with, every single organization incorporates the expertise of a Business Analyst be it directly or indirectly whether they know it or not.

During the course of about 3 weeks that I have been in PostGrad at UWC I can honestly say I have learnt more about Information Systems than I ever did in my years as an Undergrad student.
To highlight but a few topics covered were:
  • Project Management
  • SDLC -Systems/Software Development Life Cycle
  • Causes of project failure
  • Business Model Canvas
  • Digital Innovation (more particularly in creative industries)

Food for thought

Perhaps to briefly elaborate on something rather interesting is that Creative Industries Claims is promotes Neoliberism as a political ideology and thus furthers the hegemony of multinational corporate capital over cultural sphere. Yet cultural industries remain under the control of media conglomerates (SBOK™ Guide, 2013 edition)

The very popular Agile

One of my lecturers Carolien van den Berg; a very attractive, highly astute yet fairly stringent lecturer taught me how to KISS.

KISS being “Keep it simply simple”. This is one of the first concepts she reintegrated in one of my very first lectures.

 Much like the great Marcus Aurelius who counseled simplicity; first principles of each particular thing, ask what everything in itself is?, what needs does it serve? So did Carolien emphasize the need to keep things simple in what can be a complex world of IS with plenty jargon and tautology.

Agile SDLC is what interests me most in IFS 1703 Honours; hosted at the prestigious University of the Western Cape and to be just a tad more specific would be Scrum.

Random fact

In the 80's 2 Japanese geniuses by the names of Takeuch and Nonaka formulated a strategy which was labelled as holistic/rugby approach.

Now for those of us who think of the word “scrum” and automatically think
Kobus Wiese , Schulk Burger or even a head on collision going down in the ruck you must be thinking this has nothing to do with SDLC or Scrum.                                                                                                                               

However this is exactly where the origins of the term come from – Like in the game of rugby where the players pass the ball back and forth as they move downfield and the emphasis lies in the method of everyone keeping in line, all players pushing down the field together.

What makes the SDLC of Scrum so awesome?
Well to start with the benefits include:

  •          Adaptability
  •          Transparency
  •          Continuous feedback
  •          Early delivery of high value
  •          Customer centric
  •          Collective ownership
  •          Innovative environment
  •          Effective development process
  •          High trust environment

Quick Recap

We touched on information systems involving people, processes, technology, strategies, solutions, computing and processing and much more. This enables us to realise the career choices in IFS is vast and the skills learnt near guarantee one of employment.

 We have a basic understanding of the SDLC and some of the benefits , as well as its origins.

We also understand that we cannot limit IFS to one particular aspect as that would not do justice and in so doing would be a crystallization and not pay it its full dues; as this can range from business processes to managing large projects to database administration, something all companies need in order to remain competitive and flourish.

Enjoying specializing in IS; Find information to be extremely useful from a practical perspective
Finding it challenging to keep up with all course material due to workload
Form study groups summarize course material then reconvene to share notes
External factors in my personal life distracting me from focusing attention on work; having to follow up with momentum for provident payout continuously, visiting Labour Department for UIF which is time consuming etc
Adaptation to working in groups with different backgrounds and cultures

Make use of consultations offered by lecturers

Ability to comprehend complex terminology

Interest Inventory
My interest inventory would need to compromise largely of BASA - business and system analysis.

As mentioned previously from  a career perspective the occupation I wish to pursue someday would be that of a BA for a well established company. Eliminating bottlenecks and constraints, coming up with various approaches and methodologies to ensure delivery of a project is met would be something I could comfortably do until mandatory retirement.

My heart is set on this and I feel achieving an Honours and perhaps even Masters will enabled me to land a role in that of a Business Analyst.

Personal Values & Outlook

My values are rather simple and include incorporating a balance in life which I think is crucial not only for success but for mental stability.

Trying not to eat too much junk food, squeezing in exercise 3 times a week, having core believe such as religion is extremely important to me; perhaps an old fashion notion but I truly belief if you do not make time for God or give him what he wants, then he will never grant you what you want.

Never judging people who have different Ideologies and world views but rather to learn from them. Remain humble, be the hardest worker in the room and always stay hungry for greatness, success and increasing your skill set.


  1. Interesting reading. It is nicely put so even an outsider can understand what is IS/IFS about. I will be looking forward to the next post.

  2. impressive reading ☺ but does my comment count or mean anything at all ☺☺☺

  3. Well done, very informative and impressive <3

  4. Ahh Mr Adonis. Loving what I see. Nice to know such a motivated man. Great blog post buddy.

  5. Great read Niyaaz! Easy to comprehend. I hope there will be more!

  6. Thanks Niyaaz, you can elaborate a bit more on your personal interests and strengths in the upcoming posts. Looking forward to the next one. I also like the fact that you are getting comments from a variety of people.
